Rolling into 2025
Thank you so much to everyone who made 2024 such a great year. Looking forward to an even bigger 2025. See you soon.
Doggie's Pub
Catch me on Tuesday nights at
Doggie's Pub in State College, PA!
Find "Dashboard Dust" where
ever you listen to music
Thank you to everyone who came out for the Riley Green show at the Clearfield County Fair. It was such a fun
experience and I'll have much more to share about it
in the coming weeks!

The 2022 "True Blue Tour" presented by Forrester Farm Equipment and New Holland was a true highlight of my professional music career and I'm extremely grateful for the experience and friendships I gained while performing on behalf of a great family run business.

Dashboard Dust AVAILABLE NOW!
Dashboard Dust, Joe Quick's first EP has officially released and is available on Google Play, Amazon MP3, iTunes and Spotify! Go check it out and comment/share/review! Thank you all so much for your support! Not down with the digital age? Physical copies are here and available now! Get yours today!

Share Your Photos!
Have you been out to see Joe play? Do you have pictures of you and your friends from the show? Go post them on his facebook page @